Greeting to participants, organisers, and guests of the 12th St Petersburg International Legal Forum from President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin.

Dear friends,
The extensive agenda and impressive composition of the forum have made your meetings a major social event. In the course of substantive discussions, prominent legal scholars, experts, and practicing lawyers will exchange experience, discuss legislative innovations and initiatives and expand their professional contacts.
Russia invariably defends the principle of the rule of law both in its domestic life and in the international arena. I firmly believe that in present-day conditions, the generally accepted laws remain a solid foundation on which we should build to promote stability on the planet and protect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of states, as well as human and civil rights and freedoms. The key role of law is undeniable in solving global and regional problems, developing economic and humanitarian ties and, of course, combatting common threats.
Russia is the BRICS chair country this year. Along with our partners, we are committed to developing effective legal regulation that can strengthen food and energy security and contribute to the protection of the environment and climate, as well as to the creation of fair rules for global trade and technological cooperation. We are ready to step up cooperation in these areas with other countries, above all from the Asia-Pacific region, Africa, and Latin America.
I am confident that the proposals, recommendations, and ideas expressed by the Forum participants will be in demand in real practice.
Vladimir Putin
About the Forum
5 000
participants -
*from 81
countries -
of justice -
*business program
*Data indicated for 2024

St. Petersburg International Legal Forum will serve as a major platform for dialogue among members of the legal, business, political and law-enforcement communities. It will address a wide range of issues focusing on how law can better serve the interests of people and businesses. It will also address improvements to law-enforcement practices, the promotion of legislative initiatives to strengthen the legal culture, and socioeconomic-related regulation in today’s world.
The Forum is held by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation and the Roscongress Foundation, in accordance with Russian Presidential Decree No. 55 dated 15 February 2022.

“Despite the fact that this anniversary edition of the St. Petersburg International Legal Forum is taking place at a difficult time, I am convinced it will again serve as an important event which will yield tangible results as participants discuss the most pressing issues facing the legal field today. Protecting the interests and rights of people by law has invariably been a crucial and highly responsible undertaking, as has the strengthening and development of Russia’s public and democratic institutions. It is my hope that all participants of the 10th St. Petersburg International Legal Forum will benefit from holding substantive discussions on all these issues in relation to Russian and international law.”

“The Forum offers an excellent opportunity to discuss key issues of a legal nature which are closely intertwined with political, economic, and social aspects. Today’s reality, with its external constraints, calls for new ideas, perspectives, and solutions. A number of specific legal positions also needs to take shape. The scope here is incredibly wide, and there is good potential to find ways of transforming and improving the legal norms which regulate various aspects of social relations, including those which fall under criminal law. This is particularly the case in terms of developing law-enforcement and judicial practice with regard to the crimes of the Ukrainian regime against the peaceful inhabitants of the Donbas. It is similarly crucial that assistance is provided to these young republics to enable them to build effective legal systems. And the quality of the result depends on us.”

“Today, the very concept of international law has been completely discredited and is in need of an overhaul. In order to build international relations on a set of new principles – which Russia insists should be equality, respect for a nation’s sovereignty, and a consideration of national interests while unreservedly complying with the norms of international law – there needs to be a transformation of the international justice system. In taking on a leading role in the movement to overhaul international relations, Russia has tasked itself with putting forward a set of fundamental principles and specifying the aims of such a transformation. In light of this, I believe it to be possible and even essential to establish an alternative international court of human rights – one which is not politicized, and which is independent from any influence from participants, Russia included. Above all, though, it should genuinely work to protect human rights.”

“International law is demonstrating a growing trend for fragmentation. As crises increasingly loom, so international relations suffer, and the stable international system of law and order is threatened. The international community needs to focus on revitalizing international law by resuming conciliatory approaches. There needs to be a doctrine which avoids dogmatic and unproductive approaches to ways in which familiar categories are considered. Instead, it should focus on searching for patterns applicable to the development of international law in the turbulent environment of international relations today. It should also focus on progressive development strategies which are based on respect for moral imperatives and the advancement of basic imperative principles governing international law.”